Looking for clues to predict a bad trump break - with Oliver Powell

Nov 04, 2021 12:08 pm


Watch the video

Hi ,

In today's video we the wonderful Oliver Powell presenting a really interesting hand in which some important information in the auction can help us navigate a tricky contract. He is a brilliant player who has played for the Junior Team for England. He is now a popular teacher at the Avenue Bridge Club in Brighton, and now, a new member of the Learn Bridge Online team! We're very lucky to have him with us. I hope you'll join me in giving Oliver a warm welcome!

Looking for clues to predict a bad trump break

Introduction from Oliver Powell:

When trumps behave, we make a lot of our contracts but when trumps break badly, how many times do we go off and blame our bad luck?

Catering for a bad trump break will help you make more contracts, improve your score and stop us cursing the unfortunate layout of the cards!

This problem hand looks at how we can draw inferences from the auction to help identify likely trump breaks.

After watching the video above, play through the hand here.

Please feel welcome to leave a question or comment on the Youtube page: https://youtu.be/q9S4MjkpdwQ

Thank you, Oliver, for presenting this fun hand! We're so glad to have you with us here at Learn Bridge Online.

Your partner in learning,

Bajir from LBO
