Bid spades again or go with diamond fit - with Graeme Tuffnell
Jul 06, 2021 1:30 pm
Greetings, bridge friends ~
With a nice hand, six spades, and a void in hearts, we open the bidding with 1♠. West doubles, and partner responds 2♦. Do we want to show support for partner’s minor or rebid our good 6-card major suit?
Graeme talks us through this decision as well as the play:
Whilst we like to play in a major over a minor whenever possible, remember partner has told us a lot about their hand. Our hand would love to play in spades but doesn’t mind diamonds. Partner has already denied Spade support so partner’s hand may not like spades at all but certainly likes diamonds.
Is this one of those times we might actually opt to play in a minor?
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