When to count tricks instead of points while bidding - with Curt Soloff
Mar 05, 2024 2:01 pm
Hi, !
Your hand: ♠J84 ♥T96 ♦KQJ62 ♣A4
Partner bids to slam - what do you do: pass or bid again?
Leave your answer in a comment here: https://youtu.be/2RJ5ENFvCkc
In our latest bridge video, we have an especially interesting hand to unravel. After partner bids slam, the question arises: do we keep going or stay in slam? We invite you to ponder over the strategic choices and share your insights in the comments section below.
Curt's expert guidance throughout the hand sheds light on the nuances of evaluating the strength of ou rhand and the importance, not just of counting points but of counting tricks while bidding.
Thank you for joining us for another fun hand!
Your partner in learning,
Bajir from Learn Bridge Online