Finesse the J with only 7 trumps to make the slam? - with Curt Soloff
Oct 26, 2023 8:31 am
Hi ,
We find ourselves in a questionable 6♠ contract missing the ♣A and the ♠J. What's our best chance to avoid going down?
With Curt's upcoming lessons on bidding our really strong hands ($40 for four lessons), I thought of him when I played this monster hand recently. Rather than focusing on the questionable bidding, Curt helps us figure out our best chance at making this slam.
Should we finesse the ♠T or play three rounds of trumps to try drawing out the ♠J?
Curt reminds us to also look to the defense for learning points... how would you have defended here?
Play through this bridge hand using the BBO hand viewer:
We hope you keep learning with Curt with four upcoming lessons...
Bidding the Monster Hands:
Jump Rebids, Reverses, 2C, 2NT, & Keycard
$40 for four 1-hour lessons beginning October 31st:
We like it when we are able to open the bidding, but don’t we all like having a little more? Extra strength? Wild distribution? Yet, some of those powerhouse hands can be challenging to bid. Learn Bridge Online and Curt Soloff are here to help! In the spirit of Halloween, LBO brings you MONSTER HANDS, a four-week series on bidding the various.
- Join live or via replay. Presented live Tuesdays at Noon, NY time.
- Ask Curt questions in the live lessons & on the class page.
- Special discount for members of all LBO classes.
- Replays will remain available to all registered students for at least one year.
- Suitable for all bidding systems.
For individual purchase & members of Curt's weekly class (1-week free trial)...
Oct. 31 – Jumping Around: Jump Rebids, Jump Raises, and Jump Shifts
Which jump bids are forcing and which are non-forcing? What do we promise with these various bids in terms of both high cards and distribution?
Nov. 7 – Reverses
We define the criteria for reverses and explore the continuations by opener and responder after a reverse takes place.
Nov. 14 – Forcing Openings
What makes an appropriate 2C opening? What options does responder have when answering this forcing opening? How do opener and responder proceed, and what happens if we get interference from the opponents?
Nov. 21 – Moving Toward Slam: Keycard Asking and Control Bidding
When should Blackwood/Roman Keycard be used and when should be avoid it? How do the trump queen and kings figure into the equation? And how is control bidding woven into our slam tries?
Any questions? Please reply to this email or learn more here:
We hope you'll join us!
Your partner in learning,
Bajir from Learn Bridge Online