Should we finesse first or play for a 3-2 trump split? with Pam Livingston

Jul 14, 2021 2:01 am

Hi ,

Very happy to have Pam Livingston back with us for another interesting hand.

This hand was one Pam played recently at BBO. The card play presents us with an interesting opportunity to really think about where how remaining trumps would likely be distributed. As a learner, I feel this is exactly the sort of moment I often pass through too quickly without recognizing the chance to dig a bit deeper... I'd love to hear what you all think when you see the hand.



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Finesse or play for a 3-2 trump split?

We're in a 5♥ contract and it will be a challenge to make it. Especially after the opponents with the first two tricks leading the ♦A and ♦K.

We trump the third trick with the ♥Q and then West shows they are out of diamonds.

With five trumps still out there including the ♥10, how should we plan our play? Win three rounds of trumps and hope for a good split? Finesse to the ♥J? Or something else?


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