Can we keep bidding after our Negative Double? - with India Leeming
Apr 12, 2021 8:23 am
Hello ,
North opens the bidding 1♦ and East overcalls 1♠. Sitting South, we have a lovely 6-card heart suit but only 6 high card points. We want to do something but aren’t strong enough to bid hearts.
Luckily, we have the negative double which will ask partner to bid one of the two unbid suits. North now bids 2♣ and when it comes back to us, we must decide what to do.
Even though partner has already bid twice and hasn’t shown any hearts yet, should we bid 2♥ now or just choose between clubs and diamonds?
Would bidding a new suit now force partner to keep bidding?
There is still time to join India Leeming on Tuesday, April 13 for a lesson and play session focused on Negative Doubles.
Play Session: Negative Doubles with India Leeming
Tuesday, April 13 at 9:30am UK time / 8:30pm NZ time (view in your timezone)
India will take you through a summary of the topic; you will have a chance to ask questions about it. From the virtual classroom, we’ll guide you to the RealBridge session.
You will find yourself in the lobby, looking at the tables from above. If you have a regular partner that you would like to play with, sit opposite that person. Once everyone is seated, India will start the session and you will receive a hand. If you have any tech problems or are stuck for what to bid, click on the Director button in the bottom right-hand corner and a supervisor will join you.
This live lesson and session will be suitable for intermediate-level players. There is no ability to replay the hands later.
Related links:
Register here -
Read more about negative doubles in bridge here -
Watch the video on Youtube -