Cue bids are confusing! - with Graeme Tuffnell
Oct 10, 2023 8:31 am
Hi, !
Partner opens 1♠ and - with our 19 hcp and spade fit - we figure we're going to slam. But won't everyone else bid slam as well? I wondered if I could use cue bidding to find out if we could safely bid to 6NT to come out in front, but I wasn't fully confident I should or that I would do it correctly.
In Graeme's class, he has been welcoming members to share challenging hands they've played as we review some of the tools we've recently added to our bidding box. We'd love to have you join us.
How would you bid and play this hand as South? Leave a comment or question:
After watching the video, try playing through the hand yourself here:
- Keep learning with Graeme Tuffnell: Build Your Bridge Confidence
Thank you for joining us for this wild hand!
Your partner in learning,