Attitude Signals, Defensive Visualization, & New Minor Forcing - 2-week free trial to keep learning with Curt Soloff!

Jul 08, 2024 2:55 pm

Hi, ,

We really loved having so many new folks join Curt's class for his recent four lessons, Confident Cuebids - thank you to everyone who could join us!

Curt has some incredible lessons lined up for the next few weeks covering Attitude Signals, Visualization, and New Minor Forcing (see the lesson descriptions below).

For the next 48 hours, new members can begin with a free 2-week trial to Curt's class! Join us for these new weekly lessons and gain immediate access to Curt's lesson library as well as his popular courses, Confident Cuebids, Bidding the Monster Hands, and To Draw or Not to Draw!

After the 2-week free trial, membership is billed as $40 every four weeks (no commitment, cancel anytime). If you're ready to elevate your bridge to the next level, there might not be a better way (or bigger bang for your buck) than joining Curt's class. We hope you'll join the many other bridge learners in Curt's class today!

Continue to Registration...

New lessons every Tuesday. Watch via replay or join live at 9am Pacific time / Noon, Easter time.

July 9: Attitude Signals on Defense

Our focus is on the most common type of defensive signal, the attitude signal. Should you encourage or discourage partner's lead? Which factors guide your decision in how to signal?

July 16: Defensive Visualization

We spend the session at the table practicing visualization skills against both suit and no-trump contracts.

July 23: New Minor Forcing

Eight-card major fits are easy to find when our side opens a five-card major, but can be easily missed when responder holds the five-card major. We discuss one of the critical tools for finding these major suit fits: New Minor Forcing.

July 30: Two-Way New Minor Forcing

Are you ready to graduate from regular New Minor Forcing? If so, then Two-Way New Minor Forcing may be just the gadget you seek.


Start your free 2-week trial...

Any questions? Please don't hesitate to reply to this email to reach me personally. I'd love to help however I can as you get started (and afterwards!).

Hope to "see" you in the virtual classroom!

Your partner in learning,

Bajir from Learn Bridge Online

