Show your strength with a takeout double followed by bidding a new suit
Aug 28, 2020 12:31 pm
Hi bridge friends,
I can't believe we are in the final days of August! I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling fatigued and disappointed that we're still dealing with this bizarre coronavirus reality. Hopefully this video can bring a little happiness and distraction. :)
East opens 1♥ and, with our lovely hand, we certainly want to compete!
Should we double or overcall 1♠? We have a nice five-card spade suit, but we're too strong for a simple overcall, so we'll double first and then plan on bidding 1♠ next.
But then West responds 1NT. What should we do now? Do we want to bid after their 1NT?
Graeme simplifies our decision: do we still have something new to tell partner?
Wishing you all the best. Please take good care of yourself.
Your partner in learning,
Bajir from LBO
Related links:
- Weekly online lessons with Graeme: