What is an Attitude Signals in Bridge? - with Curt Soloff
Feb 16, 2023 2:01 pm
Hi ,
Your partner makes the opening lead. If a card in dummy is not winning the trick, you will typically play "third hand high" and attempt to win the trick; however, if the card in dummy is winning the trick, you will instead give partner a signal. Most commonly, your signal at trick one is attitude to either encourage or discourage the continuation of that suit, which can be critical the next time the defenders gain the lead.
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Dynamic Defense & Beyond with Curt Soloff
Join live or via replay. Presented on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at Noon, NY time.
Memorization of key concepts in bridge is unavoidable, but for players to ascend and truly improve at the game, developing your thought process is essential. Curt employs a teaching style designed to highlight and grow that thought process and keep students from relying too heavily on rules and rote memorization.
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Bajir from Learn Bridge Online