4♠, 5♣, pass, or even double... What will you choose? & Etiquette & Communication

May 27, 2022 7:31 am

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4♠, 5♣, pass, or even double... What will you choose?


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Playing a robot tournament on BBO this week, I was stumped by both how to bid this hand and also whether the hand's results demonstrated what the correct auction or not. As a learner, I find this uncertainty to be one of the biggest challenges I face most times I play. Luckily, India was just a call away...

With 13 hcp and a 6-card club suit, we open 1♣. West overcalls 2♥, Partner doubles, and East jumps to game with 4♥. We are faced with a tricky choice now! What are our options?

Leave a comment on the Youtube page to let us know your choice: https://youtu.be/RbXqwWlTUM8

Many thanks to India for joining us for this wild hand. Her advice in thinking through our options is helpful as is her guidance as we play the hand. And how do we know if our results prove whether we made the 'right' choice or if it just came down to luck? India gives us a helpful method for evaluating at the end of the hand if we ended up in a good contract.


We hope you'll join us for these four featured new lessons beginning next week:

Etiquette & Communication: Online & in Real Life


Learn more

All four live lessons for $32 or £26 for members / $40 or £32 or non-members

Register Here

Wednesdays at 6pm UK time / 1pm NY time (Check timezone) 

Can’t join us live? No problem – a recorded replay will be made available to all students.

Included lessons:

  1. June 1: Playing Duplicate Bridge
  2. June 8: About Partnership Agreements
  3. June 15: Explanations of Agreements
  4. June 22: The Tournament Director

Alert or announce? Is that different when playing online? When can I ask the opponents questions about their agreements and if so, what? How can I protect myself from being on the wrong side of a ruling? And what on earth is the stop card for?

We'd love to invite you to register for four new lessons that will help us become more versed and confident in the etiquette and communication of bridge. Some of the rules can seem baffling and add an extra layer of complication to an already complicated game; so let’s unravel it all.

Replays will remain available to all registered students for at least one year.


Thank you all for your support. Whether it is simply sharing our Youtube videos with friends, sending in words of encouragement, or by joining one of our online classes, we are very grateful!

Yours partner in learning,

Bajir from LBO

