If they rush to 4H, should we *really* be just grit our teeth and bid 4S? - with Graeme Tuffnell
Apr 04, 2022 6:18 am
Hello, bridge friends ~
After I pass, West opens a weak 2H, partner overcalls 3C, and East bids game with 4H. They must not have that much combined strength, but with only one club, I don't have a clear fit with partner.
I want to do something to stop them from getting away with the 4H contract... but what could I do?
I remembered hearing a maxim, "If they rush to 4H, just grit your teeth and bid 4S." With a lovely 4-card spade suit, I decide to go for it and bid 4S. What's the worst that can happen?
Well, partner decided to bid up to 6S! I banged my head against the table sure that I had totally mislead partner. But had I?
Graeme Tuffnell is on hand to help us out with this competitive auction. How would you have bid it?
Leave a comment on the Youtube video: https://youtu.be/33ywqvnmC9U
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Your partner in learning,
Related links:
Online bridge lessons with Graeme: https://learnbridgeonline.com/graeme-tuffnell/