Help us invite friends for free introductory lessons! New class starting Thursday taught by Marla Lawson

Dec 04, 2022 12:31 pm

Hi ,

Who first introduced bridge to you?

It is one of our highest hopes to help new players learn this wonderful game. We would like to ask your help in inviting any friends/spouses/co-workers/relatives who might be interested (or whom you've just always wished would finally learn). No matter where they live in the world, friends can now register for two free introductory lessons using the links below. Thank you!

Friends in the US, Canada, Australia, or S.Africa?

Introduction to Bridge with Marla Lawson

Two free lessons: Thursdays, December 8th & 15th

Watch via replay or join live at 5pm, NY time

Can't join us live? No problem - a replay will be shared with all who register.


Register for Free

These online lessons will be presented live & via recorded replay to all who register. We will also share recommendations about where new players can begin practicing online for free.

Click the button above or register here:

While these lessons are for complete beginners, those looking for a refresher are of course welcomed as well. Thank you for helping spread the word with anyone who might be interested.

Friends in the UK, Ireland, or New Zealand?

You can still join Jack Stocken's popular introductory Acol class! Once you join, you can catch up with the first seven lessons immediately and join Jack for new weekly lessons every Monday at 11am, UK time:

Introduction to Bridge (Acol) with Jack Stocken

New lessons via replay or live every Monday at 11am UK time


2-week Free Trial

Thank you for your help and support! As many of you know, I learned myself how to play bridge online and being unable to find local lessons where I live inspired the creation of Learn Bridge Online. It is one of the most rewarding things to see so many new players now learning here with us.

Your partner in learning,

Bajir Cannon

Learn Bridge Online

