Second hand always plays low? - with Jack Stocken
Nov 12, 2024 9:31 am
Hi ,
Many of us are very familiar with the maxim, "Second hand plays low." Can you think of a reason why West might not want to play low in trick two (pictured above)? If West plays the K, it is sure to fall to the ace. What would be the point of that?
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This hand includes an important question about what North's 2♦ response to the 1NT opening means coming after West's 2♣ overcall. Were you clear on whether it is a transfer to hearts or not?
Jack Stocken will be diving further into the topic with an upcoming free lesson 'Coping with Intervention' on Wednesday, 20 November at 11am, UK time.
Presented live Wednesday, 13 November at 11am, UK time. Join live or via replay.
“Learn how to bid when the opponents overcall and take your rebid away. We will also look at how to ask for a stopper for 3NT when an opponent has overcalled.”
This lesson will be aimed at Acol learners, but all are welcome to register and there will be fun hands to play for all.
We would be so grateful if you invited any bridge friends who might be interested. All can register from this link:
Jack Stocken has established himself as one of the UK's foremost bridge teachers; renowned for his patience, clarification of teaching and most important of all, making bridge a fun game to learn.
Jack teaches weekly online bridge lessons for Beginners & Improvers and Intermediate players. Members immediate gain access to a library of lessons, and can join the weekly live lessons or watch via replay later.