Work With Your Partner - Common Mistakes in Bridge with Tina McVeigh

Apr 26, 2022 10:13 am

Work with your partner

by Tina McVeigh

Do you sometimes forget to think about your partner's hand or ignore the clues in the auction? You're not alone - it is a common mistake.


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Look at this hand:


You are on lead against 3NT. You would like to set up some heart tricks. Should you lead a heart and, if so, which heart? If not, what is your alternative?

Opening leads are often critical and you should give your choice careful thought. It is the only decision you make looking at 13 cards rather than 26. After the opening lead you will be able to see dummy as well as your own hand.

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Tina McVeigh is one of New Zealand's most acclaimed and loved bridge teachers. She teaches at the House of Cards in Christchurch, NZ.

For more Common Mistakes in Bridge with Tina McVeigh:
