Four new lessons on opening leads starting next week
Oct 29, 2021 7:26 am
Hi ,
When comparing results, we've all seen how the opening leads can end up making the difference. So much is determined by the very first card played! We're familiar with the guidelines for selecting an opening lead (fourth highest, top of a sequence, top of a doubleton, etc.) but how often do we choose without fully understanding why, or everything we might communicate through our different options?
Pam Livingston is starting four weeks on opening leads. These live lessons are already included for members of her class. All registered students can join us live and will receive the replay videos, lesson worksheets, and featured lesson hands.
You can purchase a pass to these lessons without a subscription, or use the coupon code 'fourthhighest' for 50% off four weeks of membership in her weekly class.
Opening Leads with Pam Livingston
The opening lead has a big impact on how the hand proceeds. Should we think about No Trump and Suit contracts differently? After carefully considering the auction we select which suit to lead – but which card?
Included Lessons:
Week 1: We've picked which suit to lead - which card?
Week 2: Opening leads for no-trump contracts
Week 3: Opening leads for suit contracts
Week 4: Putting it all to use at the table
A new 1-hour lesson each week for the next four weeks.
Wednesdays at 10am NZ time / Tuesdays evenings at 10pm UK time
(View class time in your local timezone)
Can't join us live? A replay will be sent to all students along with a worksheet and lesson hands.
About Pam Livingston:
Pam Livingston has represented New Zealand in the Open Section multiple times and is a current member of the New Zealand Women’s team. She is widely admired, both as a player and a teacher.
Any questions? Please don't hesitate to respond to this email.
Yours partner in learning,
Bajir from Learn Bridge Online