Replay Lesson 1 and play some practice bridge hands

Oct 06, 2021 7:16 pm

Hi ,

Thank you to everyone who could join us today! Y

ou can replay the lesson video below and play some practice bridge hands.

Introduction to Bridge - Lesson 1 with Jack Stocken


Replay Lesson 1

Jack asks that you try playing some practice hands before next week's lesson.

While you play, please remember these three tips from Jack:

  • If you have 8+ cards between you and dummy, then choose that suit as trumps
  • If you have only 7 cards then choose to play without trumps (NT - stands for No Trumps)
  • Choose “1” when asked about tricks and play your first card from dummy (North) to get started

You will play these practice hands for free on Bridge Base, a popular website for playing bridge.

Click here to play some practice bridge hands.

Click here to view the Lesson Worksheet

If you know any friends who might enjoy these lessons, please invite them to view this replay and come to the next lesson.

Thank you again for being part of the class!

Your partner in learning,

Bajir Cannon
