Responder's second bid with an 8-card club club suit

Sep 26, 2020 1:31 pm


Hi bridge friends,

I just played this hand online on Friday and was tripped up with what my second bid as responder should be. It just seemed like there was something wrong with every option!

As Jack is about to start a new unit on Bidding as Responder, I thought, "Why not call him up and ask for some guidance?" Lucky me to have such a wonderful teacher on speed dial! :)


Quick note before we get to the hand:

There are still about 48 hours left for new students to get their first week free: Learn more here about Jack Stocken's upcoming lessons.


We have a wonderful 8-card club suit and 13 HCP. Partner opens the bidding 1♠. We respond 2♣ and partner then bids 2♦. What should we bid now?

Jack reassures us that bidding as responder is often tricky and responder's second bid can be the trickiest of all.


Play Video

With our singleton spade and two-card diamond suit, we don't want to support either of those. If we bid clubs again, it isn't forcing so we risk not going to game. There is Fourth Suit Forcing to find out more details from partner, but do we really need to know more about partner's hand here? Or, should we just bid game with 3NT or 5♣?

What would your second bid as responder be?


Wherever you are, please take good care of yourself. Thank you for watching these videos and leaving those friendly comments!

Your partner in learning,

Bajir from Learn Bridge Online


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