What West's Weak Two tells us - with Jack Stocken
Jul 26, 2020 5:46 am
Hi bridge friends,
After a Weak 2♥ opening from West, North doubles and East bids 3♥. Sitting South, we definitely want to bid. Should we bid 3♠ or 4♠? In this video, Jack advises us to go bid game - now we just have to make it!
We lose the first two tricks and it looks like we might lose two more in the the spade trump suit. But wait!
How can what we learn from West's Weak Two opening bid help us make this contract?
On Monday, Jack is starting a four-weak series on Weak 2s, Weak 3s, 2♣ Openers, and 2NT Openers. Thank you to everyone who has already enrolled! All are welcome.
Subscribe to Jack's class here:
Any questions? I'm here to help however I can.
Your partner in learning,
Bajir from LBO