In The Accidental Detective humorous mystery series, a witty journalist solves mysteries in Arizona and tackles the challenges of turning fifty.Someone Murderous at The Midnight Motel: The Accidental Detective Book 5 releases in one week and you can...
“This is a remarkably enjoyable start to a brand new cozy mystery series.” ~Books a Plenty Book ReviewsSomethingShady at Sunshine Haven, the first book in the Accidental Detective humorous mystery series, is on sale for 99 cents until 9/8!War corresp...
In the Accidental Billionaire Cowboys series, Cody Tomlinson flies small planes as a crop duster before his family wins a huge lottery. To research The Billionaire Cowboy's Proposition, I went up in a friend's small plane. Why? Well, let's start with...
In the Accidental Billionaire Cowboys series, a Texas ranching family wins a billion-dollar lottery. They’re advised to go into hiding, but they have animals needing care. They'll have to stay and fend off envious friends, scammers, and fortune hunte...
Amazon Prime Day is 7/11-7/12! Prime Day is a 2-day event that includes a multi-week lead-up and lead-out period. It’s full of incredible deals and prices across millions of products—often half off or more! Reminder: you can only shop for Prime Day...
Who wouldn't want to be a billionaire? Turns out winning the lottery causes as many problems as it solves.In the Accidental Billionaire Cowboys series, a Texas ranching family wins a billion-dollar lottery. They’re advised to go into hiding, but they...
Free Cozy Mystery& Sweet Romance: If you like your books on the lighter side, check out these FREE sweet romance and cozy mystery novels! Take a break from life and enjoy some cozy summer reads. Options include my cat café novella and a collectio...
Check out these collections of fun books by great authors! Try new series and pack your ereader full of great summer reads. Reading in June: Get your dragons, vampires, royalty, rogues, magical heirs, and time travelers! This group has lots of fant...
Check out these collections of Mystery & Suspense! Discover new authors, try new series, and pack your ereader full of great summer reads.Mystery & Suspense Series: Travel the world with mystery and thriller novels this summer! Find cozy myst...
Mother’s Day is coming up soon! Most people find it easier to shop for moms than for dads, but can you find a gift she’d really like? Here are some options for last-minute shopping with fast delivery. Are you running out of time to shop and get thin...