Check out the romantic comedy series featuring “Felony Melanie” seven years before the events of the movie Sweet Home Alabama. Before Melanie Smooter became hot fashion designer Melanie Carmichael, she was known as Felony Melanie, the teenage tro...
Pre-order now!Amazon USAll other retailersBefore Melanie Smooter became hot fashion designer Melanie Carmichael, she was known as Felony Melanie, the teenage troublemaker of Pigeon Creek, Alabama. Aching to escape the boredom of small-town life, she...
Kittens and Kisses at the Cat Café: A Furrever Friends Sweet Romance is 99 cents on Kindle (US and UK) until 4/29.He’s loved her forever. She still sees him as the neighbor kid. Can five desperate kittens bring them together? Marley is a baker at the...
Here's a peek at my newsletter from this past week. It also included a sale, which is now over. To make sure you don't miss any of the deals or fun stuff, sign up for the Kris Bock newsletter, and you'll also get a free 10,000-word story set in the w...
Here's a peek at my newsletter from this past week. It also included a sale, which is now over. To make sure you don't miss any of the deals or fun stuff, sign up for the Kris Bock newsletter, and you'll also get a free 10,000-word story set in the w...
Need a comfort read? Tea and Temptation at the Cat Café is on sale for only 99 cents, April 2-5.Can two lonely people get a second chance at finding love?Zach may be a best-selling novelist, but it's been a long time since he's felt truly alive. In t...
Take a peek at part of my newsletter. Get a free novella set in the world of the Furrever Friends cat café when you subscribe here.Review snippet:A new review of Coffee and Crushes at the Cat Café was titled “Sweet and innocent romance will make you...
This post is a selection from my newsletter. (Sign up to get every post plus your free ebook copy of a Lions and Love at the Cat Café, a 10,000-word story set in the world of the Furrever Friends cat café).I hope you're healthy and able to get the fo...
xOn Sale - Kittens and Kisses at the Cat Café: A Furrever Friends Sweet Romance - 99 cents March 18-24.Get it on Kris Bock's Amazon US page or Amazon UK page. (For other countries click here.)He’s loved her forever. She still sees him as the neighbor...
This post is from my newsletter. (Sign up to get every post plus your free ebook copy of a Lions and Love at the Cat Café, a 10,000-word story set in the world of the Furrever Friends cat café).I hope you are staying healthy, finding enough toilet pa...