At least my lycanthropy test came back negative

Nov 24, 2023 7:51 pm


I'm Thankful for Libraries Too

I'm thankful that Bob the Builder isn't based on real life, because sentient construction machinery with the emotional range of toddlers would be terrifying. I'm thankful I didn't have a lot of money when I was a teenager so I could never get my ears pointed to look like an elf when I was too dumb to know any better. I'm thankful for high fructose corn syrup because it means Dr Pepperis more affordable. I'm also thankful for everyone who has helped me get my books on the shelves.

I get it, this is the part where you tune out. Blah, blah "I'd like to thank all the little people" blah blah "always believed in me." Yes. That too. But I've had so much help along the way, and not just "words of encouragement" kind of help.

I have a dear family member and some friends who took paperback copies of books and went through marking typos to make my books cleaner. Another family member paid for the rebranding I did in 2020, and his wife basically walked me through how to set up a newsletter and do group promos. I've only recently been able to get audiobooks produced thanks to generosity from a reader who has since become a very dear friend.

And I am so grateful, because a professionally produced audiobook means even more chances for my stories to reach people. The idea that other people will love my characters' adventures as much as I do is what keeps me going.


Dryad's Blade

This is your chance to find out what a Pilell accent sounds like. (Wide)

Did you enjoy this book? I'd love your ratings and reviews.

Dryad's Blade is now available on audiobook, and Vampire's Dayrunner is in the works. I've found a few sites where this book is available and I've inserted them manually, but there may be more sites so if you like to listen on a more obscure app, do a search and it might be there.

Don't feel guilty if you have to listen on a library account rather than buying the book--that's what libraries are for. (Also, if you borrow the book, you let the library know its patrons are interested in my work.) The thing I'm most grateful for is that people enjoy my stories.

This week's question: What random thing are you thankful for?


The Nine

Gabe is a good guy making the best of eternity in a place not known for its hospitality — until he is recruited to join a sect of double agents dedicated to sabotaging the mayhem being released on Earth. Armed with a skill set of irritating quips and zero knowledge of the modern world, Gabe must figure out how to work with his beautiful, tough-as-nails partner without botching the mission or revealing his true identity. If this unlikely hero can’t figure it out before disaster strikes, facing the wrath of Hell will be the least of his worries. (Free)


Age of Fantasy


SF&F Deals

Gratuitous Cat Picture


You're right, Zinko, staying in bed does seem like a better idea.

Kit Melbourne Series


Alternate Susan Series


Other Novels

