Your tea leaves fortell many books.
Jul 30, 2021 9:39 pm
Newsletter bonus round: Book giveaway edition!
Win lots of books and a chance to get an eReader too.
I'm sending out an extra newsletter this week because I'm taking part in a Booksweeps promo. I've entered a couple of these. I didn't win an eReader, but it did introduce me to many authors I didn't know about. There's a chance you may start to get my automation series as you'll subscribe to my newsletter. If that's the case, I'll apologize in advance. Feel free to share any of these on social media; they're open to everyone.
Also, there's a 99 cent book sale that's only going on one week. Alternate Susan is in this bundle, so if you haven't read any of that series and want to start, now's a good chance.
And then of course there are my other promos. I think I signed up for too many this summer. It's kind of like how I always download more books than I can comfortably read, and yet I keep doing it.
Are you like that too? Do you have too many books to read and not enough time? Well then, we'll keep each other company.
Paranormal Fantasy Freebies
Sci-Fi with Mystery or Suspense
Gratuitious Cat Picture
Quickly becoming "not a kitten" though his head is still little.