Icebergs on the river... not sure how they're getting through the weir.
Just in! This unique Men’s High Top Canvas Shoes - 6, Crossed Arrows for $80.00. #Canada #StCatharines #FortErie #Buffalo #Veteran #Niagara #NativeAmerican #UNCEDEDxKTC #NativePride #GreatLakes
Limited offer! This awesome "Tough Natives" (Unisex Hoodie) - Red, S for $50.00.. #FirstNations #FortErie #Buffalo #NativePride #Niagara #GreatLakes #StCatharines #NativeAmerican #Ontario #Canada
Unmissable! Check out this Resins & Natural Incense - Sweet Myrrh only at $10.00. #Buffalo #Ontario #Canada #Niagara #NativePride #TurtleIsland #GreatLakes #NativeAmerican #Welland #Veteran
If you're not going to use it all, share with those who will. #DishWithOneSpoon #wildlife #FindTheBird
Awesome! Amazing! Our latest arrival. UNCEDED™ by KTC - Embroidered Champion Packable Jacket - Black, L at $75.00. #Ontario #Welland #Canada #Buffalo #FortErie #FirstNations #StCatharines #NativePride #NativeAmerican #TurtleIsland
Unmissable! Check out this Men’s Slip-on Canvas Shoes - 8.5, Firepit only at $74.00. #Canada #TurtleIsland #UNCEDEDxKTC #Indigenous #GreatLakes #Veteran #Niagara #NativeAmerican #NativePride #Welland
Only the best #Indigenous products & original designs! Women’s High Top Canvas Shoes - 12, Lightning $80.00 (link in bio) #Canada #NativeAmerican #FirstNations #Buffalo #Niagara #StCatharines #Veteran #TurtleIsland #Ontario #Welland #UNCEDEDxKTC #GreatLakes #NativePride #FortErie
Unmissable! Check out this Dish With One Spoon (Unisex Cotton T-Shirt) - Black, XS only at $35.00. #GreatLakes #Buffalo #Indigenous #Welland #NativeAmerican #Canada #Ontario #FirstNations #NativePride #Veteran
Just in! This unique Men’s Slip-on Canvas Shoes - 11.5, Crossed Arrows for $74.00. #Canada #Indigenous #StCatharines #FirstNations #Niagara #Ontario #Buffalo #UNCEDEDxKTC #NativeAmerican #Welland
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