🦊 Missed it by hours

May 07, 2021 7:47 pm

...that's right. Mr. Password Manager. I missed World Password Day. There's only one thing a guy can do after making a mistake as big as this.

Hi. I'm Jon Fedor and this is InCyber Regular, edition 12.

Here at InCyber I talk about cyber security issues and awareness for smaller enterprises, the cyber-curious, and the security-conscious. Today we're taking a short look at passwords, a little infosec Star Wars trivia, and a great offer to get started!

But first, Star Wars

It's hard to know what to celebrate and when. For instance, two days before World Password Day is May the fourth (be with you). Gesundheit.

So here's a celebration of both: Star Wars Day AND World Password Day (what a crossover - Stan Lee would be proud).

A team from Specops Software combed through a list of 800M breached passwords and found:

  • "yoda" was used 37,000 times. (37k??)
  • "starwars" appeared 22,000 times
  • "ewok", 17,000
  • Runners up: "Hansolo," "darthvader," and "bobafett."

Which honestly has me thinking only one thing: How in the heck does "ewok" appear more times than vader? That is flabbergasting. I'm flabbergasted.

Darren James, head of internal IT at Specops, is quoted as saying, "Star Wars' fans might wish they could use the Force to stop password attacks but sadly that option is unavailable to us."

Thanks, Darren.

Why strong, why weak?

Security Magazine released a *long* compilation of advice from security professionals about password use, credential storage, and all kinds of other opinions ($0.02 and otherwise).

Here are some of the highlights:

  1. "For authentication, the number of variables is more important than the level of complexity of those variables." ~ Chris Morales, CISO at Netenrich
  2. "The best way to use passwords is to not have to use them by hand! Get a password manager..." ~ Tyler Shields, CMO at JupiterOne
  3. "Attackers don't hack in...they log in. [Using stolen credentials]" ~ Monti Knode, Director of Customer & Partner Success at Horizon3.AI
  4. "Plenty of criminals are willing to get that data or pay for it, so why make it easy for them to cash in on your information?" ~ Sean Nikkel, Senior Cyber Threat Intel Analyst at Digital Shadows

25% the best password manager

If you've been on the fence - about to make a decision but just haven't yet:

Please don't end today without getting protection for your passwords, for your finances, for your family, for your future.

You can do it for 25% off.


I love writing this thing for y'all and I want to keep doing it. And I want it to get better weekly. So let's make it happen already.

Have a good'un, Good Lookin'.

~Jon Always-Missing-World-XYZ-Day Fedor
