🦊 Help requested
Apr 06, 2021 4:55 pm
...because I can't carry this thing all on my own, savvy?
Hi. I'm Jon Fedor and this is InCyber Regular, edition nine.
And usually, I talk about cyber security issues and awareness for smaller enterprises, the cyber-curious, and security-conscious. It's still true. I'll continue writing about cyber security because it's fascinating to me and awareness is valuable for citizens in 2021.
Today, though, I'm asking for some help in the form of feedback.
Think of it like heckling a standup comic...but heckling that makes the standup comic better. Or something.
I hear consistently from about 3 - 5 readers of InCyber and MAN it always makes my day. Questions over email, text suggestions for improvement, articles you found interesting etc go a *long* way in making this project better.
Take my survey?
I know life is crazy and time is short. Your feedback means the world to me. It helps me write better and empowers us all to be more secure and aware of the traps, the pitfalls (not to mention lions and tigers and bears etc) in the world around us.
Appreciate your feedback in advance!
I love writing this thing for y'all and I want to keep doing it. And I want it to get better weekly. So let's make it happen already.
Have a good'un, Good Lookin'.
~Jon Survey-Survey Fedor