I saved 1,460 hours by standing

Sep 20, 2022 6:02 pm


Hey, Kody here.

In case you forgot, you're getting this email cause you subscribed to my weekly newsletter. Stick around for free, 5-minute habit tips every Tuesday :)

Personal update: Last week I built a play structure for my kids. Now every morning my daughter runs in to wake me up at 6:30 am asking if we can go swing. It's the cutest thing šŸ˜‚

If you'd rather read it online, find it here.

habit example

ā€œFor every hour you sit, you lose two hours of your life.ā€

- My wifeā€™s chronic disease prevention textbook from college

When I heard this, I about fell out of the chair I was sitting in.


Because this is a problem for me. I work at a desk 8+ hours a day.


Meaning everyday, Iā€™m losing 16 hours of my life.


80 hours a week.


4,160 hours a year.


At this rate, Iā€™ll have lost 166,400 hours by the time I retire. (Aka 19 YEARS)


From sitting.


And it's not just me.

Here's how much time most people spend sitting every day, compared to standing or sleeping:


So letā€™s pretend you and I decided to stand instead of sit.

What could we do with 19 more years on our life?


  • Have a career
  • Watch grandkids grow
  • Travel the world
  • Start and grow that business
  • Finally learn to play piano
  • insert that thing youā€™ve always wanted to do but donā€™t have the time for now

Iā€™m not about throwing away 19 years of my life, so I decided to quit sittingā€¦


I got a standing desk.


First day, I only made it an hour before I had to sit down.


  • after an hour break or so, Iā€™d stand again
  • Iā€™d go as long as I could,
  • then sit.


I did that every day.


Until two weeks later I finished a day of work and it hit me: I had just survived 8 hours without sitting.


Itā€™s now been a year of doing this pretty much every day.


Not gonna lie, I donā€™t stand all day every day.


But by now Iā€™ve stood 2,080 hours and saved 4,160 on my life.


(Or nearly 6 months)


For reference, My wife and I started dating, got married, and went on our honeymoon in less time than that.


So 6 months is no joke!


And neither is your health.

try it

Lots of researchers say you should shoot for two more hours of standing per day than youā€™re doing now.

So get a standing desk, or donā€™t. At least consider standing a little more often than you sit.


Your grandkids will thank you.


ā€œDiscipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.ā€
- Abraham Lincoln

actual quote from my 3 year old šŸ˜‚

me: "hey can you go grab my water bottle?"
her: "well, I can't.. I'm too strong"

Thanks for reading!

- Kody

P.S. This song has been my daughters jam this week. Hope you like it too!

P.P.S. It takes me 5 hours to write this, but only 5 seconds to share with a friend.

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