what do astronomic tidal bores teach about building habits?

Apr 04, 2023 4:31 pm


You did it! You all helped my birthday wish come true:

We are now 509 go-getters strong doing this habit thing together.


Also want to give a special thanks to someone else who helped as well:


The Smarter Brain is a newsletter that helps you cut through the noise on the web and save valuable time, so you can focus on getting things done. 

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habit example

What in the actual heck is a tidal bore?

And what on earth does it have to do with building indestructible habits?

During a global conference last weekend, religious leader Dale G. Renlund used the concept of "tidal bores" to explain core principles of spirituality.

But I instantly saw how it also explains habits just perfectly.

Twice a year when the sun, earth, and moon align, something about the collaborative gravitational pull causes a massive tidal wave to go upstream in the Amazon river.

Yup - against the current in the world's most powerful and second largest river.

What seems like the laws of nature being broken, is actually just the orchestral beauty of even greater laws of nature taking their course.

Just like water normally flows along the path of least resistance, so do humans.

We tend toward:

  • laziness
  • complacency
  • ease

Which means building habits is hard.

There's nothing lazy, complacent, or easy about:

  • waking up early
  • studying daily
  • eating healthy
  • exercising
  • serving others

You get the idea.

So how do you build a tidal habit?

Make the sun, earth and moon align!

(metaphorically, of course)


  1. When you have a solid "why" (or "who")...
  2. When you have almost-intimidating accountability with someone you respect...
  3. When you can make your habit so stupid-easy it's almost impossible to miss in a day...

You'll have created a tidal habit:

One that defies the typical laws of human nature, reversing the course of your life into a much more rewarding direction.




try it

You'll probably overlook this advice, struggle for another couple months, then come back asking why you still can't stick to that new habit...

...so save yourself a couple months and just do this:

  1. Spend 15 mins journaling about why you really want to build this habit. Some say it helps to think at least 6 "why"s deep. For example, if your first answer is "because I want to be smarter", follow up with WHY you want to be smarter, and so on.
  2. Find someone you know who wants to build the same habit. You may need to ask around, or even find someone online. Setup a system you'll both follow for checking in about it. If they live close, consider doing the habit together at least a once a week.
  3. Make your habit so stupid-easy a caveman could do it. Seriously, whatever you think is the "simple" version of your habit, make it even simpler. No habit is too small if you've yet to do it consistently.


β€œNothing happens until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of change.”
- Arthur Burt

actual quote from my 4-year-old πŸ˜‚

wife: does anyone want more broth?
daugher: I wanna bra!
wife: broth, honey... not bra 🀣

Thanks for reading!

- Kody


P.S. This song is soooo gooooood.


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