Ed Sheeran got fat. Then lost 50lbs. Here's how...

Oct 18, 2022 6:02 pm


Hey, Kody here.

You're receiving this email 'cause you subscribed to get 5-minute habit tips every Tuesday from me :)

Personal update: Ironically timed with this week's habit example, last week I stepped on the scale and found myself at my heaviest weight ever. Considering I live a relatively active lifestyle and exercise regularly, I was shocked to see 197.8 lbs, when just a few years ago I was at 168 lbs.

The core of my problem, I believe, is that I've developed a lifelong habit of always eating "seconds". Whether I'm still hungry or not, out of habit, I just get another plate of food (and often get a third or even fourth helping).

So I've decided to take on a 30-Day One-Plate Challenge. It's been 7 days of this challenge already for me, so for at least another 3 weeks, I am only eating one plate of food at each meal. Nothing else about my diet is changing - I'm not cutting out any foods, just eating less of them. And by the way, I'm blown away at how different I look and feel after just days of doing this so far.

Why am I sharing all this? First, so you know I'm totally human too, fighting off my own bad habits and building good ones, too. Second, I thought I'd throw it out there for anyone who wants to take on the 30-Day One-Plate Challenge with me. If you're in, hit reply to this email and let me know :) I'd love to be in touch with anyone doing it too.

habit example

For years, Ed Sheeran had been

  • Eating way too much
  • Drinking way too much
  • And staying up till 3 am most days

Then his wife was pregnant with their daughter Lyra.

"As soon as Cherry told me she was pregnant, life shifted, in terms of work and health and what I was putting into my body, be it food or alcohol" -Ed

He knew he couldn’t keep living the same life and be the kind of dad he wanted to be.

He did something unheard of in the music industry: started working 9-5 (instead of 6pm-6am).

While he didn’t quit drinking altogether, he started drinking only a fraction of what he did before.

And who doesn’t love a burger? But he started eating just one BigMac instead of two.

50lbs later, he looks 10 years younger.

Clearly it wasn’t easy though...

Especially if the bad habits have been going on for years… or decades.

Ed found his “why”.

In his case, quitting his bad habits for his own sake wasn't enough motivation.

But knowing it was the only way to be the father he wanted to be kicked him into gear.

It's as simple as that...

Find a “why” you’d do anything for, and you'll be surprised what you can become. (And no, you don’t have to be expecting a child!)

try it

Ask yourself things like:

  • Who would I become if I did ___ every day?
  • How would my life improve if I lived this way?
  • How would my friends and family's lives be better if I become more ___?

You know you’ve found it when you can’t get it out of your head.


“It is never too late to be what you might have been”
- George Eliot

actual quote from my 3 year old 😂

*I take my glasses off*
"Daddy why did you do that? I don't like that. You look like a crazy man."

Thanks for reading!

- Kody

P.S. Need some motivation? Check out this song

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