your resolutions will fail (unless you do this)

Dec 27, 2022 5:01 pm


Hey, Kody here.

Had some fun last night getting AI to generate 200 unique images of me.

Here's a few of the best (and worst!).


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habit example

Making big lists of resolutions to start on January 1st doesn't work.

And you know it.

It's always the same... every year you write up a list of 17 do-or-die goals you wanna accomplish over the next 365 days.

It usually looks something like this:

  • work out 60 mins/day
  • read 2 books/month
  • quit doom-scrolling TikTok
  • spend more time with spouse/kids/friends
  • practice playing piano 3x/week
  • wake up at 5:30 am every day
  • eat salads every day for lunch
  • start that side-hustle
  • join the extreme underwater basketweaving club
  • etc etc etc

Oh, and it's all gotta start on January 1st.


That's where Dr. Roy F. Baumeister would say "WRONG."

As one of the world's experts on ego depletion (willpower), during a 2019 speech at Brigham Young University he taught that the problem isn't so much about having a list of things you want to accomplish.

The problem is assuming you'll somehow be able to do all of them consistently from day 1.

Cause really, when's the last time that ever worked out for more than maybe 2 weeks at best?

Or maybe you're past that - so disillusioned at this point from never achieving your resolutions that you don't even try anymore.

What if I told you Dr. Baumeister's stupid-simple strategy could help you get every single one of your resolutions, all while requiring less effort than ever before?

While you're wrestling with skepticism - here it is:

"Start with just one".


You wouldn't suddenly try to bench 400 lbs after not working out for months or years. You'd start small, and incrementally work up to eventually be able to lift it.

Your willpower is like a muscle, too.

It's not ready to bench your 17-item list of demands by the 1st of the year, but it's probably strong enough to handle one. (And it'll get stronger as you stay consistent.)

So instead of taking on your whole list all at once, pick one resolution as your focus for January.

When February rolls around, evaluate your progress.

  • If you made the progress you hoped for, then pick the new focus for February.
  • Otherwise, continue working on the same resolution through February as well.
  • Repeat for months 2-12!

It sounds oversimplified, but taking your resolutions one month at a time is based on the complicated science of literally hundreds of academic studies from Dr. Baumeister and his colleagues.

You can do everything on your New Years' resolutions list... long as you do it one step at a time.


“Be not afraid of going slowly,
be afraid only of standing still.”
- Chinese Proverb

actual quote from my 3 year old 😂

*unrolls a pen wrapped in a glasses wipe and a rag*
her: "This pen is VERY sensitive. It's only for dads, NOT moms."

Thanks for reading!

- Kody


P.S. Just heard this brand new Andy Grammer song - check it out!

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