daylight savings kills people?

Mar 14, 2023 4:31 pm


Happy Pi-day!

Got a babysitter and took my wife sledding on Friday. It was the most fun we’ve had together in a while! Then finally made more progress renovating the kids bathroom… Can’t wait for that project to be over 😅

Then I subscribed to 8am, and it’s freaking awesome.

Just imagine:

✅ the shortest email you’ve ever gotten (like not even one paragraph)

✅ ONE single story, idea, or gem of advice

✅ in your inbox every morning at 8am

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habit example

“There is a global experiment performed on 1.6 billion people twice a year, and it’s called daylight savings time.”

  • Matt Barker

If you’re like me, you woke up this last Sunday morning and went, “oh crap.. is it TODAY?!”

Suddenly you’re an hour off schedule, you gotta reset all your clocks, and you just wanna take a nap.

Every year they say congress is passing some law to eliminate it.

Whether you’re pro- or anti-daylight savings, these stats are mind-blowing.

Turns out every year:

  • The day we lose an hour in the spring = +24% more heart attacks
  • The day we gain an hour in the fall = -21% fewer heart attacks

And there’s similar stats for:

  • Car crashes
  • Suicide rates

Regardless of what the government decides to do about daylight savings, one thing is clear:

You getting even one hour more of sleep quite literally could save your life.

You don’t have to wait for congress, your mom, or your dog to do anything different.

Just go to bed sooner and enjoy many years more of not being dead yet.

For more awesome sleep insights, watch Matt Barker’s awesome TedTalk where I got the idea for this habit example.

try it

Whenever you normally go to sleep, try just 30 minutes earlier.

Resist the temptation to lay in your bed scrolling your phone and eating up that 30 mins you tried gaining…

As time goes on, work up to going to sleep a full hour earlier than you do now.

It may not seem like much, but like any habit, a little goes a long way (and might even save you from a heart attack).


“Kindness enriches our life;
with kindness mysterious things become clear,
difficult things become easy,
and dull things become cheerful.”
- Leo Tolstoy
(thanks @MattKaramazov for sharing this quote on Twitter)

actual quote from my 4-year-old 😂

She literally woke me up Sunday morning to say:
“Hey dad,
I’m planning a girls trip.
We’re going to New York.
No boys allowed.
You can’t come.
Just girls.

Thanks for reading!

- Kody


P.S. This song always puts a smile on my face when I’m having a bad day.

P.P.S. You wanna build better habits, right?

Hit reply and tell me what parts of habit building you struggle with so I can write about it in future issues. :)


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