New Release: Innocent In Istanbul. Take an adventure with the Vagabond Series

Aug 31, 2023 12:08 am


<span id="speechify-first-word-listening-nudge-root-0" style="position: absolute; z-index: 10000;"></span><span id="speechify-first-word-listening-nudge-0">&lt;span id="speechify-first-word-listening-nudge-root-0" style="position:</span> absolute; z-index: 10000; font-size: 16px;" speechify-initial-font-size="16px"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span id="speechify-first-word-listening-nudge-0" speechify-initial-font-size="16px" style="font-size: 16px;"&gt;Get Your Copy&lt;/span&gt; Today!

Innocent in Istanbul

One glance at the gala. One dance around the floor. One night of passion.

She lost her innocence in Istanbul…

Celia had finally arrived in the magical city—Istanbul. Halfway through her internship at the museum, she discovered a world-changing archaeological find—a career-maker that would change what’s historically understood about Istanbul.

Then, without warning, authorities shut down her dig.

Deniz had finally greased enough palms to get the land he wanted. Now he could build the most architecturally advanced hotel in Istanbul––and prove to his father that he was ready to take the reins to Kemal Industries, his family’s real estate empire.

But then it happened––a beautiful face he thought he’d never see again stormed into his office, making demands and flipping his world upside down…

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<span id="speechify-first-word-listening-nudge-root-8" style="position: absolute; z-index: 10000;"></span><span id="speechify-first-word-listening-nudge-8">&lt;span id="speechify-first-word-listening-nudge-root-8" style="position:</span> absolute; z-index: 10000;"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span id="speechify-first-word-listening-nudge-8"&gt;HEA READERS&lt;/span&gt;

My coworker, Chip, was exhausted from finishing up Innocent in Istanbul.

