Biggest challenge right now?
Mar 17, 2020 9:43 pm
Thanks for many of your notes of condolence yesterday. I really appreciate it.
Right now is a curious time for EdTech companies: some may explode with usage as schools move to remote learning. Others will struggle if their usage is tied to the in-school experience.
With all that said, I want your feedback so I can keep this email as helpful as possible during these times.
What's your biggest challenge right now? Feel free to reply directly instead of posting a comment.
With that said, I appreciate that readers are beginning to use the comment function. I'll keep your responses anonymous if you reply directly to me.
Thanks for reading,
Gerard Dawson
PS - One way I can make this email valuable to you is to share more copywriting tips. So, I'll be sharing the feedback I gave to one education entrepreneur about his website later today.