metrix that matter 💁
Apr 04, 2020 1:48 am
People get into this idea that we’re going to make these math games and then it becomes, ‘how fun can we make it?’ We looked at it and said, how effective can we make it? Instead of having something that they’ll play for an hour, can we make something that they play for 5 or 10 minutes in a day?
That quote comes from Dr. Aditya Nagrath, the founder of Elephant Learning Math Academy. And what I like about what he said is that it places the focus on outcomes.
...beyond features
...beyond benefits
It gets to the ultimate reason related to all work in education, which is better outcomes for learning.
He took that philosophy of getting kids to spend less time on his app and turned into the primary guarantee that he offers on his website. It's this:
We guarantee your child will learn at least 1 year of math in 3 months when they use our system 30 minutes per week.
The emphasis is mine. I love how he expresses that guarantee because it includes an outcome in a specific time frame while address an objection (too much screen time).
My other favorite example of this comes from a Tim Ferriss blog post title about his Slow-Carb Diet: "How to lose 20lbs in 30 days without doing any exercise." Now, you've got the idea.
Dr. Aditya Nagrath talked to me about:
- Making a math app that gets results
- What it's like to run an international team during the coronavirus crisis
- And how an Uber driver helped him figure out his pricing and positioning.
You can listen to my full interview with Dr. Aditya Nagrath right now right in your browser.
Thanks for reading,
Gerard Dawson
PS - How would you describe the outcome that your company's product or service seeks to create? It'd be awesome to see you describe it in the comments.