How to dribble a soccer ball with control and speed

May 18, 2023 8:08 pm


"Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today."

-Tim Fargo

I hope you are having a great week!

If you are looking for some drills to improve your dribbling or want some pointers for a more powerful shot...I have some exciting updates for you.

Check them out below 👇🏼👇🏼 and hit REPLY to this email to let me know what you think!



How to dribble a soccer ball with control and speed

Want to improve your dribbling skills? Here are 3 drills you can add to your training sessions to help you improve your speed, control, and agility with the ball at your feet.

Click here to watch the video



How to Shoot a Soccer Ball with Power in 4 Easy Steps

Shooting a soccer ball with power is a must-have skill for any player.

Learn 4 tips to help you strike a soccer ball with power, score more goals, and improve your game.

Click here to read more

That's it for now, see you next week!

William Osorio

Evolve Soccer Training

P.S.- Evolve Summer Training kicks off June 5th! Check out the details here.
