How to improve your weak foot

Sep 15, 2023 4:46 pm


Are you struggling with your weak foot?

Do you feel confident striking on goal, passing, or even trapping the ball with either foot?

When I was growing up I didn't.

In fact, my father (who was also my coach) used to tell me my right leg "was just for standing."

Yep, I was a stubborn lefty who refused to use his right foot unless absolutely necessary. I got by for a while, but looking back on it, not having a serviceable right foot cost me valuable playing time and hurt my confidence once I started playing at the higher levels of high school and Division I soccer.

Moral of the story: Don't be like me. If your weak foot needs work, don't avoid it. Start sooner rather than later.

As a matter of fact, you can start today.

This week's video focuses on 4 simple ways to begin training your weak foot to become a dual-threat, more complete player.

Check it out below and let me know what you think.

Also, please share if you have any friends or teammates who might benefit from this content.


How to Improve Your Weak Foot in Soccer

Use these 4 steps to dribble, pass, control, and shoot better with your weak foot so you can play your best soccer. Try out these drills and exercises and challenge yourself to see results quickly.

Watch Video →

Hope this helps,

Coach Will Osorio- Evolve Soccer Training
