Fast Feet Workout

Oct 20, 2023 8:31 pm


I think it's safe to say that every soccer player (heck every athlete) wants faster feet.

Fast footwork helps you change direction more quickly, beat defenders and escape pressure, and gives you an advantage offensively and defensively when you are on the field.

This week I have a video showcasing 8 exercises you can do anywhere to develop your footwork and quickness.

Make sure to work through 2 sets of each exercise, in 15-second intervals and you are good to go.

Check out the video below and if you have any questions or want more training videos like this, HIT REPLY and let me know.


Watch Video →

Have a great weekend,

William Osorio

Evolve Soccer Training

P.S.- If you didn't have a chance to check out the Player's Toolbox I rolled out last week, you are missing out. Click here to dig into the Free resources.
