Torrico to the Moon

Jun 10, 2021 11:34 pm



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Dear Friends,

The last few months have been a huge learning curve for many artists, including myself. I personally dove into the NFT world headfirst by reading as many articles as I can find, listening to podcasts every day on the subject, and participating in many Clubhouse rooms that discuss NFT projects. However, even with all of these efforts, I feel like I just scratched the surface of how NFTs can change the way we conduct business online.

The most basic use of NFT is collectible digital artwork. Digital artwork such as Beeple's 5000 Days sold for $69 Million, and Larva Labs' CryptoPunks are currently going for $36K each. These two examples are just the surface of the NFT world. Gary Vaynerchuk uses NFT to sell tickets to his new conference, VeeCon, and the Redlioneye Gazette team has an NFT subscription business model that supports their online magazine.

I have talked with several friends about using TorricoMedia to create NFT projects to raise funds for local nonprofit organizations and capital for startups in recent weeks.

But before I can open it up to the public and offer it up as a service to my clients, I will test it out for myself.

In less than 30-days, I get married to the love of my life, and I wanted to create a digital art piece that would commemorate our wedding day. So I took a picture of the wedding cake top we purchased and transformed it into a digital art piece. Please see below.

Torrico to the Moon #1 is the first minted artwork used as a honeymoon fund. I research all the major NFT platforms and could not find a single NFT used to raise funds for a honeymoon, so I am happy to be the first. I minted 250 "Torrico to the Moon #1" on Rarible and selling each for .038 ETH or $94.06 as of June 10, 2021, at 2:30 PM.

I greatly appreciate your support and believe Torrico to the Moon is a great project. If this goes well, I hope to use this platform to raise funds for local nonprofits and startup organizations in underrepresented communities.

If you have any questions, please email me directly to discuss this project or a project you wish to create.




Torrico to the Moon #1

© 2021 TorricoMedia Inc. | Potomac Falls, VA
