Exciting News: Online Gallery Launch, Art Sales, and More!

Oct 25, 2023 7:23 pm

Dear Friends,

It's been a while since I sent out a newsletter, and I want to express my gratitude for your continued support, especially during the challenging times of the past year. The last time I wrote, it was with a heavy heart as I shared the news of my mother's passing on September 3rd, 2022. Her absence has left a void in my life, but I find solace in seeing mom's mannerisms mirrored in my 16-month-old daughter. 

Despite the ups and downs of the past year, I am excited to share some remarkable developments on the art front. The journey continues, and I'm thrilled to present the latest news and opportunities:

1. Online Gallery Launch

I'm delighted to announce the official launch of my online gallery. You can now explore and enjoy a curated selection of my artwork from the comfort of your home at www.doccrico.com/gallery.


2. Recent Exhibition

Earlier this month, I was honored to showcase several of my artwork during a group exhibition for Hispanic Heritage Month at Casa de la Cultura in Baltimore. It was a resounding success. If you missed the event or have your eye on a particular artwork, I still have several pieces looking for new homes. Please reach out to me at juan@doccrico.com with any inquiries.


3. Pre-order from the Art Catalogue

I recently created a catalogue of my work for people to explore at www.doccrico.com/catalogue. If there's a piece in the art catalog that you've been eyeing, you now have the opportunity to pre-order it. Contact me at juan@doccrico.com, and we can arrange for you to bring your desired artwork into your life.

4. Gallery Posters - A Limited Edition Collectible

I've created limited-edition gallery posters to celebrate the launch of my online gallery and support my artistic journey. I signed these beautifully crafted posters available for art enthusiasts and collectors. Please show your support and secure your gallery poster by visiting my online shop. 


4. Commission Work

I'm excited to announce that I am now accepting end-of-year commission work until November 1st. I have three spots available for individuals looking for me to create a beautifully completed artwork in time for the holiday season.

Your support inspires me as I navigate through these new chapters of my life. I look forward to sharing this artistic journey with you and hope to connect with each of you personally.

Thank you for being a part of my artist journey.

Warm regards,
