Sleeping with an Angel: A story written by one of Washington’s legendary small and minority business leaders.

Dec 11, 2020 11:58 pm


Sleeping with an Angel: A story written by one of Washington’s legendary small and minority business leaders.


Baltimore, Md. — Every superhero has a unique beginning. This story is no different; it was penned during a blizzard snowstorm in Maryland. Having nowhere to go for a week during the storm, Roger Campos was haunted by his late father, who had recently passed away the year before. Roger’s Dad was the family’s patriarch, and mentor who inspired him to write this thrilling novel about a Washington lobbyist’s fall from grace into the depths of hell and despair, only to be redeemed by a woman foretold in his dreams. Was she his guardian angel? Few people know that Sleeping with An Angel is based on Roger’s real-life experiences as a lobbyist living in Washington, D.C. 

Another unique feature of Roger’s work is the introduction of pop/rock music into the novel so the readers can feel the emotion and mood in both words and music. Roger’s son, Jon Campos, is a singer and songwriter who performs the music on a CD that accompanies the book. This collaboration of father writing and son performing makes this book the first Rock Novel in the industry. 

Even though you might not recognize him if he walked by you on the streets of Washington, to thousands of small and minority business owners, Roger has been their champion and hero for decades. He has helped business owners on how to navigate the world of Washington politics and government contracting. He has been a small business mentor to many.

The first-generation son of an immigrant from Mexico, Roger’s father, who escaped the Mexican revolution in 1919, became a respected business leader manufacturing and distributing tortillas and launching a chain of Mexican restaurants throughout the San Joaquin Valley of California. Roger knows firsthand the challenges entrepreneurs face as he watched his father build his business. As a young attorney right out of law school, Roger never forgot his roots as he started his career in public service serving in various positions in the federal government, including the Small Business Administration and White House Office of Management and Budget. 

After public service, Roger founded and served as CEO of the Minority Business Roundtable (MBRT), a Washington trade association for the nation’s largest minority-owned companies. Roger later returned to public service and was appointed by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan to serve in the Cabinet as Maryland’s first Business Ombudsman responsible for investigating and resolving complaints between businesses and federal, state, and local agencies; and overseeing and implementing Maryland’s first customer service standards. Currently, Roger serves as Assistant Secretary for Project C.O.R.E (Creating Opportunities for Renewal & Enterprise) and small business development…the Governor’s economic and revitalization initiative for Baltimore City. 

Sleeping with an Angel was released in 2000, and the first print quickly sold out, but Roger kept a box for himself and, through the years, has given a signed copy to business associates and friends. He recently decided to give away a few signed collector’s edition copies to readers of the Entrepreneurist and is selling the rest of his first edition on his website. To learn more about the giveaway or to purchase a copy of Sleeping with an Angel, visit

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