{{contact.first_name}}, 7 ways to create an irresistible offer

Aug 01, 2020 12:01 am


, in my last email to you, I promised to share with you 7 pack ingredients to help you create irresistible offers that SELL OUT.

I will go straight into the matter!

, these 7 things I am about to show you must be found in what you are offering if you truly want to offer something irresistible.


  1. Your Offer must be understandable; cmon , I'm sure you have seen a number of people trying to sell you something you don't even understand, too much English and so much biological words that you may even need to consult a dictionary to understand what they are saying. lol..

there's already so much going on in the world and so many things competing for your customers attention, so make the job easier for them by telling them in simple English what they stand to get when they buy what you are offering.

2 Your offer must be so desirable, your target cant help but want it; , if you truly want to sell, you must learn how to send your offer to the people who desire it or at least make the people desire it. Once you can find a way to get them interested, you can be sure they would buy not minding the price.

3 You must make sure they perceive high value; whats the reason iPhone always sell out not minding the price? its simply because of PERCEPTION. listen , if you are offering something valuable but you don't know how to get people to perceive high value from your offer/products, they wont buy. I mean, no one is in your mind to know the value of your products, the only way to make them know is to TELL THEM.

4 it has to be believable; people can literally run away from you when you are selling something they think is too good to be true. Once they feel like you are lying or trying to scam them, they develop a SALES RESISTANCE and you don't want that. Make sure you make your offers believable enough to get them to feel you are legit.

5 Make the process easy; One of the things that makes an offer irresistible is a simplified process. stop making your payment and delivery process complex, no one wants to go through that stress

6 it must show no risk or Low risk; Everyone is always thinking; "I don't want to loose money". why do you think the big companies still offer guarantees for their products? You get a Fridge today from LG and they offer you two years guarantee. The truth is, at the mention of a guarantee, a buyer feels there is nothing much to loose so they go ahead to buy.

7 You must put in a sort of urgency; Human beings like to procrastinate naturally so you would want to put in a sort of urgency to get them to the action NOW. It could be a limited time offer, quantity of products, limited bonuses or limited price offer. Whatever you need to do to call them to action.

,I have shared these strategies with you but its now left for you to decide whether or not you will take action in these or not. Action is what brings result so go and apply these to your current offers and see how your number of sales would increase.

Love from,

