In tears

Feb 06, 2021 3:17 pm

, my hands are numb!


I don’t even know where to start from


You know that email I sent you yesterday, it opened my eyes to a lot!


I got sooo many replies!


I tried to reply some and for some, I read it and just started to pray for the person who sent it


Maybe I will reply them later but that prayer was most important and I have them in mind.


I didn’t just know how to respond yesterday; I was so emotional.



But here is one truth I found out


, you are not alone!



I got so many replies from different people telling me about the same struggle



The same type of story



Now how does this even concern you?


It means that whatever you are going through, there is someone out there going through the same thing


And there will be someone who will go through the same thing later.



Now this sentence above is what concerns you



There will be someone who will go through what you are going through now later



What story do you want to be able to tell that person?



You have to fight so that you can tell your story and become an inspiration to that person.



You can turn your pain to gold.


But then you are wondering;


How can I fight when I don’t even know what exactly to do


I don’t really have an answer to that but here is what I know



We all have the ability to change our lives once we can figure out how to get access to the right knowledge and will power.


So what should you do now?


Chase after knowledge!

and Will-power


Look for books to read


Watch YouTube videos


There's so much you can gain from there.



And of course, stay connected to people like me too.


So for example, if your problem is “what business should I do”


Go to YouTube and ask that question



If it is “how do I handle lack of motivation”


Go online and seek for knowledge.

Most times, YouTube, Books and online forums helps me a lot.

I also listen to songs that motivate me and give me the will-power to believe I can do anything.

and once You believe you can do anything, you actually start to do anything!

and that's it!



, If you are among those looking for what business to do, then expect my next series of emails.


I am looking at how we can organize a free training where we can discuss how to come up with a business idea and whether or not you even need a business now


If you would love such training, just hit reply and let me know.




It’s still very early to make this year the best year of our lives.


Stay inspired.







