June Update

Jun 07, 2024 6:41 pm


Hey y'all!

Happy June! Summer is almost upon us. For those of you who are new to my newsletter, welcome! I appreciate you joining me in this journey! I have exciting news to share as well as books you should read from my author friends.

What's going on?

The Preacher's Kid series officially launched with the release of Tangled Reverence on May 2nd. There have been five releases so far and three more to go. If you haven't jumped into this series, you should. I'll put the link below for you.



Writing update

I typed The End on Rosco's story and it's off to the editor. So, now I can stop calling it Rosco's story and call it by name. Reclaimed is releasing July 5, 2024!

Pre-order your copy to have it on release day!



Rosco Greywolf had resigned himself to his new life without his mate. As Central Valley Pack’s beta, he had his hands full with his duties. Having lost the shifter he believed to be his only chance at a finding a life-mate, he grouched his way through each day trying to hold together the pieces of his shattered existence. Until…

Deanna ‘DK’ Madkins was starting over. She’d done the mating thing.  It failed when she was unable to give her mate the prize he coveted—progeny. After setting him aside, she left the pack of her birth. Her life would be away from shifters and she was fine with that.  When she moved to small town just beyond the borders of the Central Pack’s lands, she thought she’d found the place for her solitary happily ever after. Until…

Circumstances bring the two together, and the sparks which ensue may be more than either is willing or able to handle. Can they find what they didn’t think they would ever have again? What happens when a gruff widowered shifter and a formerly mated she wolf crash into each other? Can they find themselves together? Can love be reclaimed?


My Patreon and Ream subscribers have had the opportunity to read the unedited version of the book, and the response has been amazing. Rosco and Deanna's story touches on some heavy topics, but is filled with steam along with plenty of moments to laugh as we watch them grow together. When I tell you that their connection is on sight, please believe me. Sneak Peek Below

Sign up for my Patreon or Ream stories and you can have the inside scoop on this story along with my current and future projects. Subscription tiers begin at $5 monthly. Join the discussion and receive exclusive advanced content today.



What's next?

I'm traveling to Florida for my second year attending Space Coast Book Lovers. I've been preparing for all the activities and indulging in sewing therapy to make speciality items for raffles and gifts to exchange. I'm fascinated with fabric bookmarks. So, I've decided to make some to gift and trade. I really enjoyed my first year at Space Coast and I'm looking forward to the second. Will I see you there? I hope so. If not, I have three events after this one. 😁



Thank you for rocking with me!

Until next time, happy reading! Keep scrolling below for sneak peak of Reclaimed as well as some awesome book recommendations and free downloads!


If you haven't had a chance to read the Newsletter Exclusive bonus scenes and epilogue, click the button below to get your free copy.

Read Bonus Scenes Now


Buy/Read Now

Tangled Reverence: Preacher's Kid Series

Pastor Atarah Cox and President of the Church Board, Cyrus Lauder, are like oil and vinegar. Mixing them together could be great, but it will take a great deal of work. They each have their own ideas about how things should function at Harmony Haven. Of course, they both think their own way is the right way.

For the past two years, they’d managed to maintain a professional distance, despite the heat simmering between them. That is until said heat boils over. The two find themselves in a compromising situation, which forces them to join together to maintain their reputations.

They strike a bargain to save their positions within the church. But will it be enough? Will their heat blaze until it erupts into a full-fledged fire? If not, their reverence could remain forever tangled.


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The Glassmaker's Helper

Rylan is a Glassmaker. One whom the goddess has chosen to proclaim the special gifts, blessings, she bestows on special persons within the realm. 

Ophelia was born under a prophecy. One which said her blessing would one which hadn't been given in millennia.

Only Rylan is able to read the sparks and declare her blessing. But once he does, he's not willing to let her just walk away.


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Draft Pick Season III: Denzel

Denzel Reyes went from breaking records in the NFL to breaking barriers in boardrooms and on camera as a sports analyst. What he can't afford to break is the heart of the woman who stole his...Dominique Truman.

Dominique is accustomed to breaking barriers. A super star on the rise, she's kicking down doors previously closed to actresses who look like her. Plus-sized. Dark skinned. With natural hair. She has no plans to become one of Denzel's many conquests, but Mr. Reyes has other plans.



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Jaasiel: The Gideon Brothers Series by J. Nell

Parker grew up in the type of family people dream of, surrounded by love. But her view of love is severely derailed when she is betrayed in the worst way by someone whom she should have been able to trust with her life. This betrayal led her to the most unlikely career choice that she never questioned until she met a reluctant chef.

Jaasiel, the middle child of a family of eight brothers, all former special forces military, however, he found his solace in the kitchen. His laid-back personality and talent for cooking have made him one of the most sought-after chefs around.

When the fiery Parker crosses paths with the easy-going Jaasiel, the attraction is instantaneous and explosive. They find peace, solace, understanding, and acceptance, Jaasiel for his love of cooking and Parker’s career choice.

Just when things are at their best, a threat to Parker causes Jaasiel to put away the apron and resurrect his military training to hunt down the man who dared hurt what belongs to him.


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A Test of Fayth by Melverna McFarlane

She healed my broken heart, then she ghosted me.

During my twenty years of service in the US Marine Corps, fighting for my country came easy. It was love that brought me to my knees.

Now I have a six-year-old daughter who needs me, but I'm struggling to get past the betrayal that brought her into my life. Her biggest champion is my sexy new neighbor, Fayth, who doesn’t know that once upon a time she used to be my champion, too. Her letters gave me hope that I could find love again.

Out of the blue, she stopped writing, but now that I’ve found her, I’ll do anything to keep her by my side.


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Step into a realm of enchantment and mystery where love is not bound by the ordinary. In this exclusive anthology, BIPOC characters take center stage in tales celebrating diversity and exploring the depths of desire. From the graceful allure of nymphs to the timeless beauty of elves and even the mischievous charm of goblins, these stories will transport you to a world where love and magic intertwine.

Experience the passions of mythical beings as they find love in the most extraordinary places. As you journey through these pages, you'll discover that the heart's desires can transcend the boundaries of reality. Boundless Enchantment is a limited-edition collection that promises to enchant, captivate, and awaken your senses.

Prepare to be swept away by the allure of these diverse love stories. Order your copy now and let the magic ignite your imagination and set your heart ablaze.


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Right (Family Secrets and Lies Part 2) by Niccoyan Zheng

A brother he betrayed... A son he denied... The woman he lied to... A family he's just discovered... Leonardo Baldi's life is one full of regret. He has a lot to make up for. It's tempting to walk away from all the upheaval he's caused. He has so much to make right. Can he correct it all and claim what should have been his? Disclaimer: Although this is a standalone, it is strongly recommended you read the Kindle Vella Left prior to reading this one.


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Nikkō by Brianna Q. Price

Fallon fell hard for the tall, quiet Ryo Watanabe only to find out that it had all been a game. Now, he made it his mission to get back the first woman to ever get under his stoic exterior, whether she wanted him or not. She'd made him a promise and he would hold her to it. As Ryo faced the challenge of earning Fallon's trust again, he delved into a journey of self-reflection, determined to confront how his past hurts had influenced his actions and were hindering his potential future with her.

Reclaimed (Unedited Excerpt)

Rosco flopped over onto his back in the large bed staring at nothing on the ceiling. Faint hints of the rising sun filtered in through the window, and he knew he’d have to get moving soon. The sheets pooled around his waist allowing the cool air to float over his chest. He was surprised he hadn’t kicked them off during his fitful sleep. That had been the case on many mornings when he’d actually managed to get a decent night’s sleep.

Since...Millie...He didn’t sleep as soundly anymore. He slept. But it wasn’t usually what could be considered a restful sleep. Between his own thoughts and his wolf’s melancholy, it was the best he could hope for. The beast barely spoke to him anymore, and when he did, it was in one-word sentences. Rosco guessed it was better than nothing.

His mama assured him it would improve, and one day he’d wake up not missing his mate so much, but Rosco didn’t see it. Although, he’d gotten better at masking it. It kept the others from being overly concerned about him.

Pushing off of the bed, he trudged into the bathroom to get his day started. He had to meet Rahm for their morning run of a designated section of the pack borders, followed by a meeting with the security team. There hadn’t been any reports of unwanted guests lately, but they remained vigilant.

By the time he made it to the edge of the forest behind the Alpha house, Rahm was already outside waiting, and the sun was fully in the sky.

“You’re late.” Rahm wore his usual scowl as he watched Rosco approach.

“I’m not late. You’re early. What happened? One of the cubs bounce on your head to wake you up this morning?”

As the father of a set of twins and expecting a new addition in barely more than two summers, Rahm had a steep learning curve to fatherhood. Rosco was proud of himself that simply mentioning the cubs no longer caused a lance to his heart, reminding him of the pup he and Milly were expecting before she was so brutally snatched away from him.

Instead of answering Rosco’s teasing question, Rahm simply shucked off his clothing and shifted into his bear. Following suit, soon Rosco’s wolf was running alongside the big bear. With his wolf on alert, his nose tilted into the wind to pick up any unfamiliar scents. However, they encountered nothing unusual during their outing.

The only thing out of the ordinary to occur was the tug Rosco’s beast felt when they came near the edge of pack lands bordering Cummings. While shifted, Rosco normally gave his wolf full reign. But, he was forced to intervene when the beast attempted to continue running past pack borders straight into the town.

Beast, what is going on with you?

We have to go there.

Go where? Cummings? Why?

We have to go there!

Get yourself under control, beast. We have a job to do. We protect pack lands. There’s nothing in Cummings for us.

It took considerable effort, but Rosco kept the wolf on task. He and Rahm completed their inspection of the southwestern border and were back at the Alpha house in time for breakfast. Well, Rahm went inside for breakfast, Rosco waved off the invitation and went into pack town center.

As he was finishing up with Jeontugi and Aldis, Rahm came strolling into the office with Trip trailing behind him.

“Good, you’re still here.” 

Rahm lowered himself into a chair as Trip grabbed one of the high-backed stools, flipped it around and sat in it backwards. Something about the way the two looked at him, put Rosco on edge. The other two members of the security team were smart enough to read the room and made a quick exit.

Tossing subtlety out of the window, Rosco quirked one eyebrow at Rahm and Trip.

“What are you two up to?”

“We’ve been talking.” Rahm gestured between himself and Trip. Already on alert, Rosco sat up straighter.

“Have you been thinking as well, or just running your mouths?”

Rahm leveled him with a look which Rosco read as, ‘Cut the bullshit.’ He was deciding if he wanted to heed the warning when Trip spoke up.

“You need to get away from this place for a while.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? Like a vacation? Didn’t we just get back from a little jaunt to Blacktooth Summit? Where else do I need to go?”

Trip lifted a hand in Rosco’s direction while staring at Rahm. “See what I mean?”

“Yeah.” Rahm scrubbed a hand over his face, then leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. “Other than to help out with Brody, and getting him moved back here, you haven’t left pack lands in...”

Rahm’s eyes darted away before coming back to Rosco. “You haven’t gone farther than this office since before the twins were born.”

While he artfully skirted the elephant, the big pink beast was still sitting smack dab in the middle of the room.

Folding his arms across his chest, Rosco leaned back into his seat. “I don’t see the point. I’ve never been like you two. I don’t have to hit the road at random times to do goddess knows what.”

When Rahm looked ready to object, Rosco cut him off. “Don’t give me any bullshit, Rahm. You haven’t been anywhere lately. And the only reason you haven’t, is because the last time you left pack lands you came back with a mate.”

Swinging his gaze to Trip, Rosco let him have a taste of his ire. “And you. Who knows where the fuck you get off to for weeks at a time. You say it’s for your transport business, but who’s to say? And you know what? It’s not my concern. You’re loyal to the pack and come when we call. Why can’t knowing the same about me be enough? Where the hell is this demand for me to take time off coming from?”

Rahm’s face hardened. It was Rosco’s indicator he was about to invoke his power as alpha. Part of him still wanted to fight, but Rahm’s expression said it would be useless.

“You need a break away from this place. I don’t care where the fuck you take it. You could go park your ass in the sand for all I care. But, come sundown, I don’t want to see you on pack lands for at least two weeks.”

As if he’d just uttered the words himself, Trip folded his arms across his chest to match Rosco’s posture. Fuck...
