May Update

May 07, 2024 3:13 pm


Hey y'all!

It's May! For those of you who are new to my newsletter, welcome! I appreciate you joining me in this journey! I have exciting news to share as well as books you should read from my author friends.

What's going on?

Cyrus and Atarah are out in the world. Tangled Reverence released last Thursday, May 2, 2024. Readers are really enjoying it. If you've read and enjoyed it, please don't forget to leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads. It really helps other readers find the book.

Now... I hinted in the last newsletter about a collaborative story I'm releasing in August. Construction Book Boyfriend is a steamy novelette. The stories are connected by the Book Boyfriend Dating Agency. Because, everyone knows the best boyfriends are book boyfriends.


Writing update

I'm returning to the Central Valley Pack Series. Rosco's story is roughly 50% done and I'm working toward having it completed soon. Cover Reveal coming soon! So far, it's a steamy, tear jerker that makes me want to fight more than a couple fictional characters. I'm just saying. There's also joy, hope for the future and humor woven into it as well. I can't wait for you to read it!

If you want to enjoy it as I write and get a copy on release day, join my Patreon or Ream Stories. All levels have access to my current works in progress (under my Darie McCoy pen name) and they receive the completed ebook on or before release day. Decadents and Divas receive a signed paperback with each new release, in addition to the ebook.

What's next?

I've entered the busy season of book events. My next signing will be in Montgomery, Alabama at the Capital City Author Event May 17-18th. In the past, I've attended as a reader; so, I'm looking forward to attending as an author. If you're interested in attending, I'll past the link below.

To purchase tickets:


I also have exciting news. I've been invited to sign at the Authors in the Steel City event on September 28, 2024. It'll be my last signing of 2024, but I'm happy to have the chance to meet current and new readers, as well as be in the company of some great author friends and have the opportunity to make some new ones.

To purchase tickets: Authors in Steel City


Thank you for rocking with me!

Until next time, happy reading! Keep scrolling below for some awesome book recommendations and free downloads!


If you haven't had a chance to read the Newsletter Exclusive bonus scenes and epilogue, click the button below to get your free copy.

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Tangled Reverence: Preacher's Kid Series

Pastor Atarah Cox and President of the Church Board, Cyrus Lauder, are like oil and vinegar. Mixing them together could be great, but it will take a great deal of work. They each have their own ideas about how things should function at Harmony Haven. Of course, they both think their own way is the right way.

For the past two years, they’d managed to maintain a professional distance, despite the heat simmering between them. That is until said heat boils over. The two find themselves in a compromising situation, which forces them to join together to maintain their reputations.

They strike a bargain to save their positions within the church. But will it be enough? Will their heat blaze until it erupts into a full-fledged fire? If not, their reverence could remain forever tangled.


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Construction Book Boyfriend: Book Boyfriend Series

Jerricka Bishop is fine with the fictional men in books she reads, but her best friends think she should venture out into the real world. To help, they introduce her to the Book Boyfriend Dating Agency. There, she finds more than the fantasy she signed up for.

Thiago Dominguez is satisfied with doing whatever is necessary to be successful and make his parents proud—except find a nice girl and settle down. However, the option is taken out of his hands.  

When the two meet, their chemistry is undeniable. They are swept up in a passionate whirlwind. Once he’s had Jerricka in his arms, Thiago isn’t willing to turn back. So, he happily accepts the gift of being Jerricka’s real life Book Boyfriend, along with all the rights his new title entails.

The Book Boyfriend Series

They say Book Boyfriends are our consolation for men in real life. What if we told that meeting your fantasy hunk is just a click away?... Tag Along for a series of sweet & spicy encounters between empowered women and the BBFs who fall for them!


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Draft Pick Season III: Denzel

Denzel Reyes went from breaking records in the NFL to breaking barriers in boardrooms and on camera as a sports analyst. What he can't afford to break is the heart of the woman who stole his...Dominique Truman.

Dominique is accustomed to breaking barriers. A super star on the rise, she's kicking down doors previously closed to actresses who look like her. Plus-sized. Dark skinned. With natural hair. She has no plans to become one of Denzel's many conquests, but Mr. Reyes has other plans.


Up Next in the Preacher's Kid Series


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Divine Embrace by Michel Prince

When Divinity ‘Vin’ Anderson first responded to her pen pal Peter Young, she had no way of knowing that a temporary class assignment would turn into a very real crush. Separated by thousands of miles, since he lives in Georgia, the reality of ever meeting in person allowed him to be an unfulfilled fantasy.

Living in Eastpointe, Michigan she’d heard about the Little Shepard’s Camp where Peter is going her senior summer, but never had she imagined her childish fairytale dreams would change from theory to reality when she meets him. One night in the woods has her flying high only to crash back to earth when she returns home.

Reality had harsh edges hard enough to leave scars.

Over a decade has passed when Vin is sent by Elrod Motors to Georgia. When she has to pass by a town with a familiar name. Descriptions from the past, now vibrant and real, emerge after speaking with recruited employees from his hometown. A picture is being painted of the saintly man who had abandoned her all those years ago. An apology and kind words have her falling all over even though she knows she needs to guard her heart. Only she can’t help sensing Peter is holding back a secret, one that could destroy her belief in love altogether or teach her how happily ever after can come when you step behind the curtain.


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Complicated by Kenya Wright

Evie's childhood friend Jay has always had her back. But college complicates things as Jay starts dating Evie's roommate Cynthia. Now, Evie spends her nights trying to sleep while Jay and Cynthia go at it like rabbits a few feet away!

Evie hates feeling like a third wheel and hates wishing it was her in Jay's arms even more. It doesn't help that Jay won't let Evie date or even hook up without interfering and making sure everyone on campus knows that she's off limits.

Something has to give. Evie can't continue pining away for Jay, and Jay can't continue to act like he owns her when he won't so much as touch her. And worse of all, Evie can barely look Cynthia in the eye for fear she will know just how she feels about Jay.

Then one night shifts Evie, Jay and Cynthia into an web of love and deceit, tangling their hearts and forcing one of them to come to a compromise that will change all their lives.

How far should someone go for love?

Until it’s no longer convenient, or until it’s tearing apart their soul? Evie soon realizes that love isn’t always easy and loving someone isn't as simple as it seems. Sometimes, it's COMPLICATED.


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Nico Deluca by Cassie Verano


Nothing has ever been denied to me.

Until now.

The one that I want so desperately has bad blood running through his veins.

He’s the enemy of my family.

The nemesis of my uncle.

The uncle that I watched him murder in cold blood.

He’s committed to leaving no witnesses behind, so it’s my life or my freedom.

Maybe being dead isn’t so bad when compared to becoming the forced prisoner of a mafia assassin whose aim is to break me unless I surrender.


I like my kills the way that I like my shoes, polished and refined.

I never leave a trail or witness behind.

Until her.

She’s a spoiled and entitled woman but the only witness I’ve ever allowed to survive.

She’s the only one who can lead a trail back to me, a trail that my family and organization can’t afford.

She’s the only one that gets to me in a way no other woman has.

She’s the only one I want to break, to conquer, and to own.

But to do that means to declare war.


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Hunted: Season One by Xavier Neal

One stranded female on the run from her stalker.

Two protective, small-town best friends now willing to do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

Three people in love becoming prey for the obsessed hunter lurking in the shadows.

And to think.

This is only the beginning.


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Right (Family Secrets and Lies Part 2) by Niccoyan Zheng

A brother he betrayed... A son he denied... The woman he lied to... A family he's just discovered... Leonardo Baldi's life is one full of regret. He has a lot to make up for. It's tempting to walk away from all the upheaval he's caused. He has so much to make right. Can he correct it all and claim what should have been his? Disclaimer: Although this is a standalone, it is strongly recommended you read the Kindle Vella Left prior to reading this one.


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Nikkō by Brianna Q. Price

Fallon fell hard for the tall, quiet Ryo Watanabe only to find out that it had all been a game. Now, he made it his mission to get back the first woman to ever get under his stoic exterior, whether she wanted him or not. She'd made him a promise and he would hold her to it. As Ryo faced the challenge of earning Fallon's trust again, he delved into a journey of self-reflection, determined to confront how his past hurts had influenced his actions and were hindering his potential future with her.
