Issue # 28 \\ Consistency: the superpower within
Feb 03, 2021 3:51 am
Hey Friends,
I am firm believer that when faced with any task or challenge the key to our success does not lie in whether we we are strongest, fastest, smartest <insert any adjective>, but rather how determined we are. Consistency is the superpower we all have at our disposal, yet many of us do not use enough.
So when I decided to take a break from my online activities during the month of January I did so with a little trepidation. I had, until that point, managed to keep this newsletter going for 27 weeks straight and my fear was that if I took a break I would find every excuse under the sun not to restart (I'm convinced my other unique superpower is habitual procrastination).
However, having taken the break and returned to this newsletter I now realise it's perfectly reasonable for us to have a schedule to encourage consistency and systematic creativity, while at the same time taking occasional breaks to recharge our proverbial batteries.
So freshly recharged like a Duracell bunny I am now raring to go, exploring topics with whoever wants to listen. My intention is to continue to use this newsletter as a platform to initially explore ideas and refine my thinking on important topics relating to privacy, security and the impact of technology on society. From this, and having deepened my understanding in each area (with your help), I will continue to raise awareness of these issues with a wider audience writing more detailed articles on each topic for my blog.
Finally, new for 2021, I have decided to complement the articles with practical tips and video guides on YouTube. I wrestled with this idea the whole month of January. On one hand I can see the obvious benefits people could gain from watching tutorial style videos showing how anyone, with a few simple tools and techniques, can greatly improve their privacy and technology use. However, I am also mindful of the potential pitfalls of directing people to YouTube and the addictive nature of the platform. You'll know from previous emails my stance on this debate is that many technologies (like YouTube) are not inherently evil, rather it is the way we use them that creates so many of the issues we see. I will, therefore, be careful about how I direct people to use the platform, and keep beating the drum of how to use them in a safe and healthy manner.
So folks, that's it for this week. But, remember, the next time you are faced with a daunting challenge or new endeavour, dig deep and call on that superpower hidden within you.
Take care