Every Friday

10AM Eastern / 7AM Pacific

Register here for access to our completely free weekly sessions with experts in the Cloud Security field and anybody else who wants to learn or ask questions about transitioning to Cloud Security. This is a non-competitive, open forum where we share stories, demonstrations, presentations and fireside chats with industry experts. Our aim is to get people excited about this great field. Join us!

After you submit your email, you'll get a reminder email about every Thursday. Don't panic if you don't see an email right away! This page will redirect you back to the main site after you register.

In case you're wondering, this is not a marketing campaign and no emails that we collect will ever be used for marketing purposes. This group is a free resource and there is no hidden agenda. We have a number of resources made available to members, but the most important is the network of people.

We welcome recruiters to announce open roles at the beginning of each call, so if you're looking for candidates, this is the place.

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