CSOH Zoom Reminder

Feb 28, 2025 2:08 pm


Howdy Folks,

We'll be having an open session today host by Neil Carpenter. Come with your questions and topics. I hope you'll join us at the top of the hour!

The Zoom link is:


We are now posting a weekly summary of the discussion on our Discord here: https://discord.com/channels/1277372958494687344/1284000972095623189

If your aren't already on the Discord, here's an invite: https://discord.gg/AVzAY97D8E

If you haven't visited our new web site, please check out the https://csoh.org

I have made a new calendar invite that runs until 2028.

If you want the calendar entry to remain, please use the new invite here.

If it will be your first session with us, we'll have a chance to make introductions, so please don't be shy!


For those of you who are new to Office Hours, we invite anybody to join, but I do ask that everyone follow a few guidelines.

  • Please be respectful. There will be people from all knowledge levels, and we want to encourage any and all participation.


  • THERE ARE NO DUMB QUESTIONS. If you are thinking it, so is somebody else. Be the one to ask! Please feel free to ask about anything that you think is related to Cloud Security. Go ahead and speak up! It helps everybody.


  • Anybody is welcome to comment or ask or respond to a question. Most especially, when questions are asked! Speak up or put something in chat, whatever you are comfortable with. If you see or hear a question and want to speak up, please do so! Use the Raise Hand function on Zoom and I promise we'll call on you.


  • This is a non-compete space for all vendors (this is important). We are all here to learn and share. This is not about products. But you might hear about products as it's the nature of our industry. Opinions are welcome, but we are not here to pitch anything or disparage any vendor.

As always, we do not use any information from these sessions for marketing purposes, and that’s a promise.

OK... Zoom details:

Cloud Security Office Hours is a weekly Zoom held every Friday at 7:00 AM Pacific, 10:00 AM Eastern (2:00 PM, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC))

Note: This zoom link will change very rarely. You can put this in your calendar as a repeating occurrence and it should work going forward. I will send a special message if the Zoom link ever changes.

If you want to put this on your calendar as a recurring event, use this calendar invite

The Zoom link is:


Cloud Security Office Hours

Please spread the word and invite ANYBODY you think would be interested in learning or contributing to the discussions! The absolute best way to invite someone is to send them to the registration form on our mail server: https://sendfox.com/CSOH

Once again, THANK YOU, and I’ll see you on the next Zoom!

Best regards,


Support CSOH

Do you want to support Cloud Security Office Hours?

I have been asked about this a lot. We're not going to disappear without donations, but it does make it possible to do things like mailing lists, web site, domains, SSL certificates postage for prizes, etc. We accept donations of any amount to cover expenses at https://paypal.me/cloudsec but please don't feel obligated in any way. If you're better off spending your money on a certification, by all means do that instead. We'll be fine!
