CHAT NEWS from CHAT PRODUCTIONS (Volume 1 - Issue #1 for May 2022)
May 26, 2022 4:10 am
Volume 1 – Issue 1 – May 2022
NOTE: If you wish to not receive the CHAT NEWS from us, your CHAT mates, please UNSUBCRIBE at the bottom of this email - Needless to say, we hope you will stay with us - Chris Atkinson :)
We are proud to be launching our the first CHAT NEWS to the CHAT CLUB members. CHAT NEWS is intended for people that are interested in interesting ideas and content that support family-friendly healthy living. Since we are new to writing newsletters and its process, we will not guarantee regular mailings to you, but will offer to you our teams' hopes to undertake at least 4, and up to 12 newsletters per year. Thank you for taking the time to check out the first CHAT NEWS and if you would like to forward our newsletters to others please do not hesitate to do so, as well if you have suggestions for articles, improvements or even advertise in the circulation please contact us at
Learning through the Arts
Though dated (2009), the merit of arts education is explored by Fran Smith in the article below. She includes in her writing that "Art does not solve problems, but makes us aware of their existence". She goes on to include “involvement in the arts is associated with gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill. Arts learning can also improve motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork”. Finally she includes “when you think about the purposes of education, there are three main purposes: we are preparing kids for jobs, we're preparing them to be citizens, and we're teaching them to be human beings who can enjoy the deeper forms of beauty. The third is as important as the other two."
Cathedral Arts Festival in Regina, Saskatchewan (May 23 – 28, 2022)
The Cathedral Village Arts Festival (CVAF) held in Regina Saskatchewan every May and is a celebration of the arts, life and the spirit of community. The Cathedral area residents invite their neighbours in and visitors from afar to celebrate the gifts that arts and culture bring to our community. For more information about the 2022 CVAF
FUNVILLE on Saturday will host the Musical Activity Show of Mz. Muzik and Bow Tie Guy. The show is a vibrant family-friendly event that engages children ages 3 to 7 in dancing, singing and other musical activities/
Train FACTS and Music Cartoons (English and Spanish)
Trains have been a very popular way of transporting people and goods for many centuries now. Trains continue to improve and surprise us of their never-ending capabilities. This article provides over 50 amazing facts about trains that will surprise the most avid train fans
Check out the music for these animations which were created by the CHAT team for the BOOM BUDDIES animation company. There is an ENGLISH and SPANISH version to listen to, if you are interested.
Learning at Museums
Learning at museums can support children and adults to understand the historical value and perspective of objects, respect diverse cultures and understand multiculturalism. Taking time to explore and walk-through museums gives everyone the ability to engage actively in the process of acquiring knowledge and to express thoughts and emotions with respect to their own and others culture and history
Fun & Games
If you can name this TUNE along with the ARTISTS, you could be randomly selected to win a prize, of course if you enter the contest!
That's all CHAT mates...
Health and Harmony,