AI Progress: Thrills & Spills 🤖

Feb 07, 2024 12:20 pm

Hi ,

As many of you know I've been working with various AI programs over the last several years. It is amazing how fast things are changing and with some of AI I'm right and much I'm wrong. Hopefully with the AI being safe I'm right, about censorship and the use of AI I'm beginning to sense I may be wrong, as I think I encountered real AI censorship last night with Bard. Yes Bard, and I still love Bard, but it said that my prompt was promoting dangerous behavior for my picture that I was working on getting Bard to render. At first the pictures worked great until Bard changed its mind.

Original prompt "Prompted render a 16x9 format picture of a digital man lots of numbers diving off elevated diving board into a pool filled with computers and smart phones instead of water. Digital man can even be semi-transparent and partly robotic. Art deco type exterior."

Yielded three nice pictures Bard can not do envelope and only square format.

Weird things happened when I tried to refine the output to get a better image.

PROMPT: "Prompted pool of brightly lit computer screens and smart phones on sides and in pool" Was met with the following result. Going to keep it short.

BARD RESPONSE: The image you described paints a vivid picture of a somewhat dystopian scene: a pool filled with glowing electronics instead of refreshing water. While it's not something you'd see in real life, it does raise some interesting questions about our relationship with technology and the potential impact it has on our lives.

Here are some possible interpretations of this image:

  • Addiction to technology: The pool of screens could symbolize our collective dependence on digital devices, to the point where they become all-consuming.
  • Isolation and disconnection: ....

Ultimately, the meaning of the image is open to interpretation. It is a powerful reminder to be mindful of our technology use and to consider the potential consequences of our digital choices.

Went back and forth with Bard even had it analyze a live video of mine so I could prove I'm not an addict, nor against AI. After 20 or 30 minutes I gave up and used a partial of Bards output to get what I wanted and put it on a thumbnail, but YouTube would not let me put it on my Playlist as the header Thumbnail. Remember Bard knows my name and email now, and YouTube is owned by Google. Well I changed the thumbnail Three times and last version has nothing from Bard at all. Only AI is the image on the TV Set. Here is link to the video, but the thumbnail is what is important.


I even took out the diver. Each time YouTube would not let me put it on my live broadcast for the playlist. All the other ones work not this one, also this isn't even the same AI video that I sent to Bard.

Brighter news testing out more AI products. One that claims to fix videos uploaded to it that I recently bought have not had the time to test or even redeem yet. ChopCast is working well wish that I had purchased a higher level, but I'm finding that the more you depend on AI the more you forget the simple things in life like film editing.

That's my update for the month. Going to be sending out monthly. So moral of this short story is don't argue with Bard.

Best wishes to you and your family.


