Week 23 Celebrate With Us Our Family Growth and More Fun Changes🌇

Jun 05, 2023 4:51 am

Hi ,

What a busy month it has been! Our family has grown, and it is all thanks to you. I know that you are out spreading the word and helping each other as well. The schedule is changing once again. Mondays will remain at 1:30 PM PST; as even then, it is still late overseas. When we grow to 2K members, we will probably have to add an early AM weekend live session to accommodate our overseas members. Monday Lives will focus on the main topic of the week. You will have the advantage of not having to search for it, as I am not sure if we will be announcing it anywhere else besides this newsletter. From Tuesday through Friday, there will be live sessions at 3 PM lasting for thirty minutes. Only Mondays and Fridays will have Afterparties.

Upcoming Lives:

May 22, 2023 1:30PM PDT

 ðŸŽ¥  Start Live Create Week 23 ✅

LINK to Broadcast: https://youtube.com/live/WqJtLIAVmU0


Fun 30 minute live to start Create week, We will be talking Food, Upcoming Events and more. Different channel, Still will have News, 5 Crazy, and More. This is an amazing year.

SteamLabs Link to afterparty: https://talkstudio.streamlabs.com/RyqJ1KYTLhoU

May 26, 2023 4:20PM PDT

🎥 Friday Live with Uncle Bill Dube 🌇 Week 23

LINK to Broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOYQz2FQSrs


Friday lives a relaxing 30 minutes spent with friends and family starting at 3:00 Pacific. The Five Crazy things and more are a must. Recap of the week, plans for the rest of the month and future. If you miss the live you will want to catch the replay.  

StreamLabs Link to afterparty: https://talkstudio.streamlabs.com/uFjZaxiF0UuK

More news:

Much nicer weather here than we’ve had all winter long. Clouds and no sun for several weeks made today’s sun a welcome surprise, although there were still plenty of clouds in the sky. I saw some buses running in the South Bay today, so who knows? Maybe they are getting closer to settling the bus strike in San Diego.

make every day great. Best wishes to you and your family.



And here is how to get into the After Parties. Note be sure to use the right Link as they are different. You need to be active in chat for 15minutes prior to end of broadcast so my moderators know give you admittance to afterparty. Thank you.

